After breaky we took a day trip to see one of the main attractions of Northern Ireland - the Giant's Causeway. We drove through the country-side and arrived at the attraction. It was quite windy and cold compared to what I'm used to. Poor Kara is used to hot Ontario summers and she's been stuck in Ireland in the cold. We climbed down the path to the waterfront and it was an amazing site, the rock formations were all symmetrical columns that were formed from a volcanic eruption that happened ages ago. It was really neat to look at and climb around. Only problem was that Kara and Chris hadn't advised me to where we were going so I was only wearing thongs so I had a bit of a problem on the slippery rocks. I still managed okay, I had climbed waterfalls and trekked around Europe in these thongs, I could definitely handle a few rocks. After admiring the waterfront we make a quick trip to the organ (see picture below) and then headed up the hill back to the car. Poor Sandra wasn't doing very well, the chilly winds made her feel worse than she already did and she had a difficult time climbing up the hill, but she was a trooper. The fresh air did the opposite for me, I felt renewed for the first time in weeks and was well ahead of the crowd, eager to explore the next turn.
After leaving the Giant's Causeway we went to a tiny waterfront city that Kara and Chris swore had the best ice cream. We weren't disappointed - it was elaborate and delicious. I still prefer gelato to ice cream but this was a definite treat. We passed by some shops and decided to stop, Kara and Chris were looking for a tent and I as everyone knows I just enjoying shopping - they didn't find a tent but I found some really cheap hoodies - 6 pounds and fit me perfectly!
We finally arrived back at Chris's parents place and after a quick shower we settled in for a family BBQ. The food was amazing - sausages, hamburgers, steaks - our host family went all out. It was simply delicious. Again, I really enjoyed the family time, and since one of the most famous Irish past-times is drinkin', we all got quite liquored up. Highlights of the evening include me trying to make friends with a herd of sheep - I spent a good 15 minutes trying to convince them to be friendly. I fail, but there is a pretty funny video of this. The entire group of us (parent's included) decided to head to the only pub in town "The Happy", which was heaps of fun. Everyone knew each other and those who didn't were extremely welcoming. It was very small town and unlike anything I've ever experienced I enjoyed every minute of it. We spent a few hours here and by last call I literally had to be dragged from the bar, I was having too much fun to leave!
First Sight of the Giant's Causeway

Up the hillside

The Organ

Kara and I

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