Friday, June 5th - Another early morning, I skipped breaky and just grabbed an apple before heading onto the coach. I sat with Ali on the coach, who had been trekking along pretty well, despite having gotten pretty sick the first half of the tour. This is the morning Ali's fever finally broke which meant he was sweating up a storm - it looked like he had just stepped out of the shower, poor guy. It really wasn't that bad for me, and we had a good talk that morning - Ali is a pretty interesting guy. Driving into Austria was breathtaking, I've never seen landscape like that before - it was just gorgeous. The mountains were amazing, some of the best skiing in the world is in Austria. I couldn't take my eyes off the scenery the entire way in.We got into Vienna around 4pm and the hotel was impressive, only second to Barcelona. Our room was quite nice, lots of room and the beds were very comfy again. I decided to go to the mall across the street from our hotel (this is the first shopping mall I'd seen since Canada), Sukhey, Jas and Kristen came as well. I'm not sure if I was just to exhausted or the shopping was just horrible but I didn't find anything - even Promode let me down! We then sussed out a place to eat but the only thing open was McD's. This was my first European McD's and I got the Big N' Tasty but I was let down. The food was already premade, unlike at home were it is made to order. It tasted fairly stale. Sukhey and I then decided to get sundaes and I made the mistake of asking for peanuts. This didn't translate into German and my order taker ended up refusing to help me and called the manager over...I never got my peanuts in the end.
We headed back to the hotel to get ready for the night out. Sandra was at a Mozart Concert so I had the room to myself. It was really nice to have a bit of alone time, it was only the second time on the trip. I got ready, watched a Jay Z concert and then headed down to Jas and Sukhey's room. This night turned into one of my favourite nights of the trip, after pre-drinking in the Amigo's room a bunch of us headed out. We went to U4 on the recommendation of Sian but apparently Friday nights were metal/goth nights or something. Geoff and Matty Ray were already inside and Matt F and Tom(?) went in to see how it was. It was apparently shit so w e needed a new plan.
After a lot of debating we headed to a new club which became another trouble in it's self. The bouncers gave us a hard time about having such a large group, told us that it the club wasn't open yet (it was past midnight) and then told us that some of us didn't meet dress code. Eventually our entire group went in and found Nicole, Yuri and Kate who had been in the club for at least an hour. Clearly the bouncer was just messing with us. Once we all got in the night was really fun, a lot of people from the tour came out. It ended up being a pretty late night - I was one of the last to leave - ended up just being the Amigo's and I left in the end. By the time we left the sun was already up.
Austrian Alps (My future home)
More Austria

Girls before a night out
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