Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 27 - Back to Austria!

Monday, June 8th - Another early morning, not nearly enough time to catch up on sleep. We got back on the coach and headed back into Austria and our first stop of the morning was for white-water rafting. At first I wasn't going to do it - it didn't really appeal to me. I then found out that if you didn't participate in the rafting then you just sat around for a few hours so I decided to sign up. I was so glad I did - it was such a trip! My raft ended up being Matt F, Kat and Damien, Sukhey, Starr and Jimmy. We all partnered up to be responsible for someone in the raft - mine was Damo - this guy is one of the most fit guys I know. We had to practice pulling each other back into the raft, it was definitely a struggle but I managed to pull him back in on our practice run. The actual rafting was amazing, we got to see a lot of the Austrian scenery - it took us about an hour to get down the river while we battled the rapids.

After rafting we cleaned up, grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed to our hotel in the Austrian Tyrol. We were in a tiny little town, but I loved it. It was still early in the day, a lot of people had signed up to go paragliding but I opted out because it cost 115 Euros. I decided that my Guess shoes purchase was my paragliding experience. I had signed up for a bike ride in the country side but I ended up napping through it, I was still exhausted from my weekend in Vienna. After my nap I met up with Sukhey and Rochelle to hunt for some Austrian pastry that we were told was delicious. We found some at a local bakery and we were not disappointed. We all got different desserts and shared them, very yummy! We then did a bit of shopping at a drugstore - bought some of the best makeup I've ever found at that store. I then quickly got ready for dinner which was pretty decent. After that it was "schnapps hour" which meant that schnapps were only 1.50 Euro and well let's just say I made the most of it. Alex and I started doing 50% "mouth-wash" shots.

After Schnapps hour we headed to a bar about 5 minutes from our hotel. I did a few more shots with Alex at the bar and then the night ends for me....this ended up being the drunkest night I had on the trip and I don't remember a thing. The best I can do is piece together the night from pictures from Kristen's camera. I remember 2 things from that night - taking a shot off of Brylie and thinking that the walk home took at really long time. I thought I was clearly wrong, the hotel was 5 minutes away. Apparently we got lost and it did indeed take us 25 minutes to get least I remember one thing from that night!

Lovely Austria


I wasn't the only drunk one.....

Tom showing some love to Matt F

I yelled at Ben outside...I'm not sure why

I don't know

This can't end well.... doesn't!

The last man (somewhat) standing after Austrian Tyrol night - Ben, Nicole, Matt F, Kristen, Shane and I

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