After rafting we cleaned up, grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed to our hotel in the Austrian Tyrol. We were in a tiny little town, but I loved it. It was still early in the day, a lot of people had signed up to go paragliding but I opted out because it cost 115 Euros. I decided that my Guess shoes purchase was my paragliding experience. I had signed up for a bike ride in the country side but I ended up napping through it, I was still exhausted from my weekend in Vienna. After my nap I met up with Sukhey and Rochelle to hunt for some Austrian pastry that we were told was delicious. We found some at a local bakery and we were not disappointed. We all got different desserts and shared them, very yummy! We then did a bit of shopping at a drugstore - bought some of the best makeup I've ever found at that store. I then quickly got ready for dinner which was pretty decent. After that it was "schnapps hour" which meant that schnapps were only 1.50 Euro and well let's just say I made the most of it. Alex and I started doing 50% "mouth-wash" shots.
After Schnapps hour we headed to a bar about 5 minutes from our hotel. I did a few more shots with Alex at the bar and then the night ends for me....this ended up being the drunkest night I had on the trip and I don't remember a thing. The best I can do is piece together the night from pictures from Kristen's camera. I remember 2 things from that night - taking a shot off of Brylie and thinking that the walk home took at really long time. I thought I was clearly wrong, the hotel was 5 minutes away. Apparently we got lost and it did indeed take us 25 minutes to get least I remember one thing from that night!
Lovely Austria


I wasn't the only drunk one.....

Tom showing some love to Matt F

I yelled at Ben outside...I'm not sure why

I don't know

This can't end well.... doesn't!

The last man (somewhat) standing after Austrian Tyrol night - Ben, Nicole, Matt F, Kristen, Shane and I

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