Monday, May 24th - After a quick breakfast we were saying goodbye to France for the last time and we were making our way down to Italy. Our first stop of the day was at a French Perfumery which was definitely not my thing. The tour was pretty boring - Jas and I bailed as soon as we possibly could and sat in the parking lot until it was time to move on. Our next stop was for lunch at a service station where Sian swore that the pizza would be the best we would find in Italy. I'm not sure if it was the best I had, but it definitely didn't disappoint. I miss Italian pizza almost as much as I miss European coffee. Our third stop of the day was Pisa to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa of course! It was pretty cool to see, we all took pictures posing with the tower. We had about 90 minutes to kill so a bunch of us hit up a cafe for gelato and hung out in the sun until it was time to leave. Pisa is full of souvenir stands, some are legit and some are not. It you're caught buying from the illegal stand the police will actually fine the buyer not the seller. Right as we were leaving Pisa the police tried to round up the illegal sellers, you should have seen them run! They just dropped their stuff and took off.
We finally arrived in Florence at our hotel around 7pm that evening, it had been a long day of driving especially with making so many lengthy stops throughout the day. Our hotel was alright, I was super excited at first because Sandra and I had a laptop in our room so we bought the unlimited internet time. It quickly became disappointing as it was slower than dial-up; in the end I just gave up on it. We had a tour dinner right in the middle of Florance and the food was pretty decent - authentic spaghetti and meatballs! After dinner Sian took up to a Karaoke bar, I stayed for one drink and long enough to see Alex sing "I will survive" but I decided to call it a night and head back to the hotel.
Pisa - Don't ask what we're doing, I don't think we know

Getting it right

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