Sunday, May 16th - It was our final day in London and Sandra and I didn't have much planned. For our final night we had to move hotels from the Royal National to the Imperial - for some reason all the Canadians on the tour were booked here for the last night. We checked out and headed down the street to the Imperial which turned out to be a lot nicer than the RN. I was definitely happy with the switch. We then met Brad for breakfast and then we headed back to Convent Gardens so I could pick up a few things for the rest of our trip - I had forgot my bathing suit and runners! I picked up both although I never even wore the runners the entire trip, actually as I think about it now they are sitting in my closet brand new. On the way back from shopping we got caught in the rain - not surprising considering we were in London. Up until now the weather had been perfect - sunny and warm. We got back to our hotel, took a much needed nap and then headed out to our Contiki tour group meeting. The meeting only lasted about 15 minutes - just enough time to let us know our departure time in the morning.
After the meeting wrapped up Brad and I were looking for something to do and we ended up running into Sukhey and Jas - two Canadians from Vancouver. They were on their way to the Absolut Ice Bar and we decided to tag along. Sukhey, Jas and I became instant friends; I spent the majority of the rest of the trip with these girls. The Ice Bar was a fun experience, the entire place was made of ice - the bar, the tables, even the glasses! After we decided to grab some dinner at Marquis and then called it an early night as we were off to Paris tomorrow!
Sukhey at the Absolut Ice Bar

Sukhey, Jas, Brad and I at Ice Bar
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