We got into Barcelona around 6pm and the first thing we did was a coach tour around the city. I saw my first palm trees ever! It was nice and hot there, Spain was paradise. We saw the 1992 Olympic Stadium, a great view of the city from Mt. Monjuic and....and a naked man. Yes this old guy was just wandering around the city centre completely naked, it was not a pretty sight but it was hilarious! We then checked into our hotel and it was definitely the nicest of the entire tour. I highly recommend the Ibus to anyone who stays in Barcelona. The rooms were huge, very comfy beds - overall very high class at least for contiki. After checking in we had dinner at the hotel - just chicken and potatoes. I was hoping for some seafood seeing how we were in Greece but no dice. Although not what I was looking for it was still pretty tasty.
After dinner it was time to get ready to go out for the night - things don't start going until about 1am in Spain so we had a bit of time. We predrank in Tom and Jake's room, there were so many people in there - felt like the entire tour was in there. We finally decided on a destination and we ordered a bunch of cabs - Suk, Jas, Tom and I got the worst one ever. Even though our driver had a GPS she still couldn't find the bar we wanted to go to. Our driver decided to drop us off and pointed us in the direction of the bar and told us to walk. We decided to not pay her. We got to the club and found the cover was something like 18 Euros. Way expensive, but if we went and bought a drink at the pub beside the club, entrance was free. So we went to the pub first and bought a drink and then headed to the club. There were a few hookups this night - Rochelle and Tom, Matty R and a cute random. The conitki tour members were definitely a fun group to party with! This was probably one of my favourite nights out of the tour, ended up being a pretty late night - I wasn't home until about 4:30am!
1992 Olympic Stadium

Alex, Ben, Ali, Matty F and Shane

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